In March 2017, our volunteers Chiara Krol and Petra Wamanya-Hengsdijk went to Kenya. The goal was to introduce the financial skills material we developed and see if our goal and their demand match, and if and how we can optimize this.
Arriving in Kenya, we organized a financial skills workshop with Lincolin Wamanya and in collaboration with the local facilitating organization Young Dream Africa.
It was an afternoon-long program where about 15 young adults attended. We taught them the ‘basics’ of financial skills.
In addition, a full-day mini-conference was organized by Maryosa, in collaboration with Young Dream Africa, Teen Impact Africa, and KingdomIT. In this mini-conference, Maryosa provided an introduction to financial skills for approximately 100 young adults. We also talked to young adults about their future plans and made them aware of the possibility of school support.