School support documents

Maryosa’s school support programme helps students to pay for tuition. Because we cannot help everyone, we have to be selective. Below, the school support guide explains to students how they can receive school support. The second document on this page is a contract. This contract represents the formal agreement we make with the students who receive school support.

Our guide to receiving school support explains the school support programme to students. It answers questions such as: Who can apply? What does the programme cover? What documents do we need? What does Maryosa want in return? Please read this document carefully before applying.

The school support agreement is a contract that represents the formal agreement between Maryosa and the student who receives school support. This document contains the precise rules that we expect our students to follow, as well as the rules that we will follow to support them. It is a legal document, and because of that, it is fairly complex. We have added explanations to make the different parts easier to understand. When we offer school support, we will guide the student through this document before signing it.