The Maryosa Foundation is a Netherlands-based not-for-profit organisation working for a world full of self-reliant people, who continuously motivate and support each other.
We do this by teaching financial capability skills, and by financially supporting students in community-oriented education programmes.
Bring out the best.
Bring in the community.
Recent activities
Student project at KU Leuven to assist Maryosa
Maryosa will act as client for the class Research Methods at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, taught by Prof. Dr. Els Breugelmans. As client, Maryosa will formulate a research question, which a number of students groups will answer. Our research question is: Where and how can we find and motivate people willing to support Maryosa? This …
Financial capability at the Kipawa Centre: Empowering talented youth
Earlier this year, Maryosa was approached by Castro and Nikki, a Kenyian-Dutch couple that lives in Kenya, just outside Nairobi. They have just started a youth centre where creative talents are practiced and fostered, such as dance and theatre. This centre also teaches them a number of life skills. Castro and Nikki asked us if …
Financial capability at the Kipawa Centre: Empowering talented youth Read More »
Let’s meet: Allan!
You may remember his name from earlier posts, because Allan is the man who manages many of our activities “on the ground” in Kenya. Let’s get to know him a little better! Name: Allan Ochieng Origa Place of living: I currently reside in Ruiru, a small town about 26 kilometers from Nairobi in Kenya. Age: …
FCP continues to expand
With our financial capability programme (FCP), Maryosa aims to promote essential financial skills among young adults. This includes, for example, getting insight into your income and expenses, making and maintaining a budget, and saving for emergencies or future plans. The skills that were taught in 2017 and 2018 are now being passed on to a …
Trial of a new programme: Project proposals
Maryosa wants to enable talented young adults to develop their talents, turn their dreams into reality, and in doing so, support their community. To that end, they now have the opportunity to write their own project proposal to ask for financial aid from Maryosa. Maryosa wants to support projects that are in line with the …
The challenge of tracking your finances
Keeping track of your earnings and expenditures can be quite a challenge—for everyone, everywhere. In Kenya, however, this is an even bigger challenge than it is in Europe. Why is that? In the Netherlands, most payments are made digitally. This means that these transactions are always stored somewhere. In a few clicks we can get …